We provide apps for your blockchain ecosystems.

Our Projects

We have a range diversity of blockchain projects that works on many protocols. You can see the list below.


Flowana is a protocol aggregator platform that delivers various insights and metrics to track the activities and development of the blockchain ecosystems.

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Awesome is a project showcase and management platform for discovering and exploring the most exciting projects across the blockchain ecosystems.

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A cross-platform native application that provides a graphical abstraction of key dfx cli capabilities.

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Aave QL

AaveQL is an education platform that provides Aave graphql documentation with built-in editor and ready-to-try examples.

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Solana Analytics

Solana Analytics Application. Currently in private development.

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Peer CLI

Swiss Army knife for the IPFS that can be used to upload/retrieve files to/from IPFS, navigate in MFS as well as peer-to-peer chat with webrtc-star.

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Sia Alert Bot

Telegram bot to forward urgent Sia Renterd and Hostd alerts to the Telegram.

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Telegram bot to forward urgent Sia Renterd and Hostd alerts to the Telegram.

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Aave API Telegram Bot

Telegram bot to get Aave data from the Aave API.

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Slack-IPFS Integration

The integration allows you to simply upload/view files to/from IPFS via web3.storage on Slack

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